
Episode 4: Twist

Dr. Why's students are all unique in their own way. They have different backgrounds and abilities, but they are all united by their love for flexibility and their quest to become the best.

He has trained them as a team, giving each of them the opportunity to shine and grow, to develop their own unique style and skills. Each of them is a legend, but together they are an unbreakable force.

...Snakelops, Folderine, Frog, Worm, Twist, Gumbit, Chewbilly, Gym Fay, and Compressor X...

Twist used to be a Swedish contemporary dancer before she slipped on the wet floor and almost revealed her double-jointed secret to the world that only her parents and herself knew about: her inborn ability to twist her torso over 180 degrees.

Real name: Maja Vridengård
Country of origin: Sweden
Element: Liquid
Specialty: Twisting
Other hobbies: Contemporary Dance
Favorite food: Grönsakssallad

Her super secret hobby was trying to archieve the full 360 degree rotation, though she could not explain why exactly it was necessary, until that fateful day.

Despite not taking any harm during her fall, she was still hospitalized as many people were worried that landing in a pose like that definitely can't be good for her. She chuckled to herself as it was only a fracture of what she was really capable of...

The hospital was the place where she met Dr. Why for the first time, who immediately arrived to see her, trying his best to pretend to be a real doctor. When he had a moment to talk in private, he immediately offered her an opportunity to join his group of supercontortionists, showing her a whole album of the Bendigo Kids' achievements.

Twist couldn't sleep all night, looking at these pictures on her phone and once she got out of that silly hospital, she instantly called Dr. Why to accept his offer.

During training sessions, Twist never fails to impress with her flexibility, and now contemporary dance on a super slippery floor is her favorite hobby, impressing other students with her art of falls and folds.

What do you think? 😄
Well, if I saw this pose IRL, I'd be shocked too. Especially with the suit design, since it doesn't help to understand what is where.
Ah, so that's why people never wear single-colored bodysuits in yoga classes :) Someone might enter and go nuts trying to figure out whose limbs belong where :D
An incredible sidebend!!
Thanks so much!! 😊💕 I'm glad you're enjoying it!
the comment above is so funny to me because i do most of my training in body suits and ive gotten this comment so many times xd
~ joy
I've always thought that bodysuits could be seen as some kind of formal attire for professions involving flexibility. Like how we'd expect camo on soldiers or suits on politicians... But I won't object if contortionist choose to wear leotards to give a clearer view of their amazing poses! 😁
Did she eat the wonka gum?
Maybe this is what happens when you mix the wonka gum with vodka? Would hate to upset Maja, but couldn't resist... 😂
This looks really off at first sight - but we're talking about your artwork, yuni, so, digging deeper, it makes actually sense! Wow!
I'm glad it makes sense in the end, to be honest I didn't expect that it would cause this much confusion, haha 😂
Спасибо за награду! 😊🍫
Thanks for your appreciation!
The suit itself is really amazing! It it not mere "latex" but almost real second skin. I love reflections they are just amazing even in the background.
And of course the fact you can see "fifth" limb is even better :)
Hehe, I can imagine how her suit looks like those vacuum packages where everything gets squeezed into a tight little ball. Maybe her suit used a similar method for fitting her in there, since she doesn't seem to have any openings left at all! :P

So it has to be super tight, enhancing the pleasure from twisting around. Not sure what fifth limb we're talking about though, but it's indeed a lovely detail that her suit reflects her foot and not just the overhead lights :D
Wonderful pose! I love it person
I'm really happy you enjoyed it! It's interesting to think how dancers could move without any limitations...