❌ FleX-Men
Episode 10: Folding in Love
One sunny day, the students of Dr. Why's school for Bendigo Kids gathered at the park to practice their moves.
...Snakelops, Folderine, Frog, Worm, Twist, Gumbit, Chewbilly, Gym Fay, and Compressor X...
Dr. Why decided it was a perfect time to set up an obstacle course that would allow his students to learn how to use their flexibility not only for amazing poses but also for overcoming physical obstacles.
The first student to start with the obstacle course was Twist. She chose a challenging one that required side folding, twisting and jumping over a bar, all in one go.
Unfortunately, she didn't quite manage it right away, falling into a tight backfold instead of achieving her goal. Folderine, who had been watching, immediately ran to help her out, wrapping his arms around Twist's waist and helping her to gently unfold.
"Twist," he said, trying to sound professional despite blushing at the sound of his own words, "I think the issue is not with your side twist but rather with your folds. The stronger you can get it, the easier it will be for you to get the right angle for the twist."
She nodded gratefully and asked him for help with her backfold. Folderine was overjoyed to assist, using his trademark bear hug to guide her into the perfect fold.
Over a month of intense training, Twist made significant progress with the backfold area, and Folderine became even stronger as he practiced his by folding Twist tighter than ever.
The two became inseparable. The other students would often hush behind their bendy back, giggling about the whole "folding in love" thing. And it was a fitting way to put it, given how much more flexible they both had become.
The significant progress in their backfolds caught the attention of Dr. Why, who decided to organize a special presentation for the mayor and some indy journalists who had come to learn more about his contortion school, not from the snakish mouths of The Fold.
Twist and Folderine were asked to demonstrate their improved poses during the presentation, which ended up being quite a show. The kids received applause from everyone in attendance, including the mayor himself, who even offered to sponsor the school's further development. Dr. Why was over the moon.
But Twist and Folderine were the real heroes, bringing everyone together with their flexible displays of love and friendship.