β FleX-Men
Episode 1: Gym Fay
Dr. Why has dedicated a lifetime to find and train the so-called Bendigo Kids β those born with the natural gift to go beyond the flexibility of even the best contortionists. Throughout the millennea people called them double-jointed, mutants, freaks β seeing their extraordinary abilities as something abnormal and potentially dangerous...
The goal of Dr. Why's special school is to prove that the Bendigo Kids are as friendly as they are bendy, not a menace to society but a gift to be cherished and respected. They are trained to control their flexibility, turning them into perfect gymnasts, acrobats and contortionists.
...Snakelops, Folderine, Frog, Worm, Twist, Gumbit, Chewbilly, Gym Fay, and Compressor X...
When trouble strikes, it is up to Dr. Why and his students to save the world from those who want to repress contortionists and bend the truth about the human body and its true potential.
Gym Fay, a Chinese contortionist who can bend her body to any degree in any direction, is the star of the school. Her goal is to become the most flexible human in history, even among the Bendigo Kids.
Real name: Róuyún Fèi
Country of origin: China
Element: Noodles
Specialty: Octafold+
Other hobbies: Chinese Ribbon Dance
Favorite food: Ban Mian
She is the first member and the leader of the team, a daughter of Chinese scientists and their best discovery to date. Her parents had dedicated their lives to enhancing their daughter's abilities, but it was Dr. Why who helped to make the research truly international, organizing the first ever contest for the most flexible human in history.
Gym Fay was unable to resist the challenge and won the contest, along with her younger sister, Worm. But the contest was merely a cover, to collect the most flexible contortionists in the world and introduce them to the idea of joining forces.
Despite her ability to bend and twist her body like a human transformer, the simple cheststand that transforms her legs into wings behind her back has remained her favorite position during the official meetings as a reminder of the first contortion pose she had learned to do at an early age.
I'm gonna try and do an octafold+ in 5 minutes, can't wait to see if it worksπ π€ͺπ