👜 The Curse Collector
The tale of Yan Feng Gu is one of mystery and intrigue, a story that has been passed down through the ages. It tells of a young man who sought to purge his village of malevolent spirits, but was instead cursed with eternal youth and arrested development. The curse that befell him has left him trapped in a state of perpetual adolescence, torn between the desire to embrace his newfound immortality and the longing for the normalcy he can never know again...
The village was plagued by an unholy presence that preyed upon the innocence of its youth, offering them the gift of eternal life in exchange for their souls. Desperate for a solution, the villagers turned to Gu, a young and naive monk who was said to possess the power to vanquish demons. Alas, it soon became clear that Gu was not only inexperienced but also extremely cute.
As soon as he stepped beyond the sanctity of his shrine, he was besieged by mischievous spirits that sought to claim him for their own. It was a true spiritual rape that left him haunted by seductive whispers that would not cease, and despite his best efforts to physically mature, his body remained unchanged since that day, for years, decades and even centuries.
But Gu used the slender, supple body to his advantage. Realizing that traditional exercises were futile and his muscles wouldn't grow at all, no matter how much he worked out, he turned instead to the ancient art of contortionism that he learned about from the books in his shrine. With an eternity at his disposal, Gu dedicated himself to mastering the techniques, becoming as flexible as one could possibly be.
After six centuries of life, Gu's successful career was shattered by the arrival of an armless witch. She appeared without warning, as if conjured from the depths of his darkest nightmares. When he opened his door to her, she enveloped him in a tight embrace with her non-existent arms, and his body suddenly fell apart into two separate halves.
As Gu struggled to pull himself together using all of his telekinetic ability, he recognized the young woman before him. She was his former girlfriend from his village, her youthful features unchanged despite the passing of six centuries. Yet, her appearance had undergone a radical transformation, with advanced technology enhancing her body in ways that were previously unimaginable.
Her looks were a study in contrasts, a fusion of ancient and modern. Her face bore the timeless beauty of a bygone era, while her body was a masterpiece of cutting-edge technology. Her bare breasts were enhanced with nanobots, rather oversized but sculpted to perfection, and her arms were gone without the slightest scar.
The arrival of the shamelessly topless witch with nanobot-infused breasts and no arms took Gu by surprise, yet he couldn't help but smile at the unexpected turn of events once he recognized his past girlfriend. He invited her in for a cup of herbal tea, and she accepted with a playful grin. It was the beginning of a long-term romance that would defy all expectations.
Six centuries had passed since she disappeared from the village, but Gu never forgot her, and neither did she. Now she was back, and their love was like nothing he had ever experienced before. With his body divided and hers lacking arms, their connection was otherworldly, a mysterious and intense bond that reunited the old lovers.
Gu discovered that his divided body brought unexpected benefits to his supernatural battles. No longer hindered by the limitations of his spine, he could perform ancient poses with ease and finesse. These poses had once seemed impossible, but now they felt like second nature. With twice the strength of a normal flexorcist, Gu was able to face the demons with renewed confidence, thanks to his armless girlfriend.
Unfortunately, it wasn't the last curse on his long list. One day, while battling a particularly powerful demon, he was possessed by it. Rather than allowing himself to be completely taken over, he pushed the demon into his lower half, and though he lost control over it, he managed to convert the demon into a powerful ally. His own lower body half was now like a pet mount with its own mind and powerful abilities, a constant companion in future battles.
Despite the many setbacks he faced over his long life, Yan Feng Gu remained determined to deal with the world of evil spirits. He wandered from place to place, using his powers to protect those in need and explore the supernatural. He refused to give up, determined to be one of the powerful forces that restored balance to the universe.