🤫 The Shortcut

As Helmut strolled through the park, something familiar caught his eye – a brick wall with a small hole in it. He remembered taking this shortcut during his carefree childhood days, but could he still fit through it now?

He chuckled to himself, recalling the innocent times when he was able to squeeze through this narrow passage with ease. With newfound determination, he approached the breach and hesitated briefly before placing his hands on its edges. Lowering his chest, he attempted to adjust his body to fit into the tight space...

Through years of contortion practice, Helmut had mastered all kinds of skills that allowed him to endure most physical challenges – bending his his back to extremely sharp angles became his signature move as a performer. Now, this was more than just a nostalgic trip down memory lane; it was an opportunity to test his limits once again – as a grown-up young man.

With a deep breath, he pushed forward and began wiggling himself into the gap, which felt tighter the more he squeezed in. But finally, after some struggle, he managed to make his way through, emerging from the other side with a triumphant grin on his face.

"Wow, I can still do it!" he exclaimed, laughing at his own success. The old shortcut still worked for him just as it had during those simpler times long ago. From then on, Helmut vowed to take this route every day.

What do you think? 😄
what a beautyful idea and amazing picture. i love it so much. and the look of his face is priceless
Thank you so much!! I couldn't agree more! I think that's what makes extreme content so appealing, when the characters themselves enjoy it - it takes things to the next level and shows us that we don't always have to take ourselves too seriously. In real life most people are serious like toddlers, whining and grimacing even from the slightest disturbances... It's fun to create the polar opposite of that in art :D
I love it!
Thank you!
My new favorite Yuni artwork! I love it!
Thank you, I'm very glad you liked it so much! ^^
Was Helmut naked to the waist from the very beginning or did he undress specifically for the shortcut? 😉 I am sure the visitors of the park were happy with such a performance with the participation of a handsome half-naked young man.
I guess just going around topless on a hot sunny day 🥵🌴 I'm sure nobody minded... 😅
*Tetris theme intensifies*
Tetris flashbacks <3
Oh my god. This is absolutely perfect. I always love seeing what situations your bendy boys get themselves into, and this is one of the hotter ones I think I've seen in a long time. Twelve out of ten, needs to find even smaller shortcuts.
Thanks so much for your kind words!! I'm trying to think of new ways to present my bendy boys and enhance the contortion content overall :D

Helmut definitely could use smaller shortcuts with much sharper angles - to become the ultimate Zigzag Boy :D Hoping to see him in tighter situations in the future... ;P
Can we get a full body shot
I like it the way it is.
This "piece" :D is once again so fresh and radiant! As idea goes one of your best and those colors oh my... once again they are of the charts. But most of all I like Helmuts childish wink and musculature. It is often THE paradox. When picture has some flaws or shortcommings it is easy to start talking about them or give ideas how to improve them.

But when picture is as witty and nice as this one (including name) I dont know what interesting to add X-) but I like the sight a lot... and its so good he is walking around streets barechested hehe :D
Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed this "piece" :D It was definitely one of my favorites to create because the idea was quite new to me.

As for the wink, I think that's what makes Helmut so charming - his ability to be both extremely talented and playful at the same time.

And I completely agree with you about walking around barechested in the streets - it's definitely something that shouldn't require a beach to be around :D
Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level!?

This is so cute and it makes me very happy. Thank you! It's weird, super bendy, whatever, it's just fun and I love it.
Aw, I'm so glad to hear that! It makes me happy too. And hey, being bendy can be pretty cool sometimes, right? As long as you're having fun with it, that's all that matters :D
Awesome, awesome, awesome