🎱 Helmut Game
Update 3
After another month of hard work here's an update to the Helmut game :D
I added some animations for Helmut and tried to remake the bedroom from his and Leslie's bed scene XD
It's possible to click on things like the bed, the painting, the bookshelf... oh please ignore that you can dress up by clicking on a bookshelf, it was meant to be a dresser but I've yet to model it :D
For now I'm not sure of the game's genre, just wanted to finally make a good-looking game after all these years and maybe use some ideas from Helmut's pictures like the bathroom with bucket-training, the barbell gym, the flex-cafe where he did the oversplit, etc..
I'm also not sure if this should be his home or Leslie's because in the story it's actually Leslie's home but I'm still not sure what Helmut is going to be doing in the game... :P