โ FleX-Men
Episode 5: Worm
Only the most flexible contortionists in the world can join Dr. Why's team, and they have to be willing to work their way to the top.
They come from the most diverse backgrounds, with different traditions and ways of thinking, but they all share one common goal: to become the best contortionists in history.
...Snakelops, Folderine, Frog, Worm, Twist, Gumbit, Chewbilly, Gym Fay, and Compressor X...
But who is the best? What are their stories? And most importantly, why does Dr. Why's suitcase have eyes? Is that a pet? Or is it something more sinister?
No! It's just our little Worm, a girl who constantly forgets where she put all her silly bones... Here? Maybe here? Nah, everything in her body bends like cartilage thanks to the work of her ingenious parents, the Chinese scientists who have managed to make a breakthrough in the science of flexibility.
Real name: Rรณuyรบn Qiรบ
Country of origin: China
Element: Cartilage
Specialty: Enterology
Other hobbies: Soft Bone Kung Fu
Favorite food: Jiaozi
Not that she needs to be carried around in a suitcase, she definitely runs quicker than the Chinese lizard, but she just can't resist the urge to pack herself into anything she can barely fit into.
Worm is not only able to bend her body in every way you'd name, but also has the ability to elongate certain parts – arms, legs and neck, tying them into amazing knots and loops. She can wrap herself around things and crawl through the narrowest ventilation shafts, the thought of getting stuck making her giggle.
The only impenetrable obstacle in her path is her own older sister, Gym Fay, who always seems to be a few folds ahead of her. Few people in the world are aware of Gym Fay's true form, always assuming that her little sister, Worm is the most flexible one. But in reality Gym Fay had achieved the Octafold over four years ago, and since then her training has been kept top secret. Only her parents, Dr. Why and her little sister are aware of her recent training techniques and abilities.
So whenever people mention that Worm is absolutely the most bendable person in the documented history, she can't help but blush and raise her little finger but Gym Fay always gives her a poke before she could answer, making her giggle and change the subject to her favorite topic: where did she put her silly bones again?