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🎄 mAgIc is here...

Brilliantly! I would like to visit this country!
Thank you ^^
En tus manos se han tejido los deseos
filamentos de mundos fielmente entrelazados
ante los susurros que acusan el pasado.

dejad fluir el arte desde la fuente
arrodillado ante aquel que conlleva,
desde el pasado, vinculando el presente,
un manantial del que fluyen las ideas.

por cada segundo se emite un latido,
en las historia que os son relatadas,
sin dejar espacio al olvido,
las memorias por siempre desatadas.

un corazón que late inspirado
es la mas estilizada de las fraguas.
un deseo puramente destilando
es el fuego intocable por las aguas

te has alzado ante el abismo
setenta veces siete resilente
inspiras al trovador aqui mismo,
a seguir su camino de frente.

mantened la mente fluyendo,
no dejas tus maravillosas ideas.
a tu lado están los testigos.
que por sobre todo... tus lienzos, aprecian.
Desires have been woven in your hands
filaments of worlds faithfully intertwined
before the whispers that accuse the past.

let the art flow from the source
kneeling before the one who bears,
from the past, linking the present,
a spring from which ideas flow.

for every second a heartbeat is emitted,
in the stories that are related to you,
leaving no room for oblivion
the memories forever unleashed.

an inspired beating heart
It is the most stylized of the forges.
a purely distilling desire
is the fire untouched by the waters

you have risen before the abyss
seventy times seven resilient
you inspire the troubadour right here,
to continue on his way.

keep your mind flowing
don't leave your wonderful ideas.
next to you are the witnesses.
that above all... your canvases, they appreciate.
Este año más que antes, espero que la oscuridad de los corazones de otras personas no me trague por completo... Es horrible vivir en un mundo tan frío, tan indiferente, tan "aterrorizado"... Cuando das todo y no recibes nada... Para mí esta poesía fue un destello mágico en la oscuridad, me hace pensar que no toda la esperanza está perdida... Fue realmente conmovedor, aunque no puedo entender el español directamente, pero puedo leerlo con la traducción en mente.
This year more than before, I hope that the darkness of other people's hearts won't swallow me whole... It's horrible to live in a world so cold, so indifferent, so "terrified"... When you give everything and receive nothing... For me this poetry was a magical sparkle in the dark, it makes me think that not all hope is lost... It was really touching, although I can't understand Spanish directly, but I can read it with the translation in mind...
It's wonderful! And reading about your thoughts on how you created it is fascinating, please do this more often!
Thank you so much for the kind comment!! :D
I'm so glad the picture took a good shape after so many months! I should sometime do some more about chess, it seems like a recurring theme since the Chess Party and Checkmates 😜

The AIntichrist

Fantastic fembot!!))
Thank you :D Glad you liked!
Beautiful image and interesting story! :p
I'm very happy you enjoyed the story, I laughed my ass off at some point of it when "they" prevented the destruction of the world ... XD
And glad you liked the picture too!! ^_^
Very cool! Love the idea and specially the do amazing work
Thank you so much! I still have an "original" version without the helmet but I really wanted to try making something different for a change... I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D
The AI depicted as a femboi - quite intriguing! The floating cloths and candles add a dreamlike feel. Many hidden meanings to think of for days to come. 🤓
Thank you so much!! Somehow I was thinking about games like Doom and Doom Eternal that are obscenely masculine, and wondering what a femboy could look like in it... But the idea turned into a boy who represents the AI itself...? "At some point, something somewhere went terribly wrong...." XD
Looks interesting, just like Dues Ex.
Symbols and title remind me about "Carpenter Brut. Turbo Killer" / "Blood machines".
Yeah great track, I listened to Carpenter Brut many times XD

🥳 The Bendy Prince

So beautiful!
Thank you! 😊
I admire their costumes.
I'm very glad you liked them 😊

❄️ Bound Across Miles

I goofed up and posted on DA instead...

The only change I'd make is lower the light behind him, and make the pants way more sheer. Not enough to see anything with detail, but a whole bunch of hinting and half-showing.

As for Yasha himself, I love this pose for him. It's a perfect little Yasha scene. It's his confidence, stoicism, but also maybe sadness and vulnerability.
Yeah, the pic turned out kinda... blue XD Even though the original intention was to make some cool wasped-ballet scene... But I guess ended up with too much empty space around him as wanted to show more of that landscape behind the window but ended up making the foreground more empty because of that :/