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🐓 Feathered Snake


Feel like you're doing something new? You are the most prolific and gifted artist I have ever seen in this particular area of contortion and it has been a pleasure to watch you continue to create.

Your loyal fan for many years
棒极了! 我总是乐于尝试新事物,同时仍然坚持我喜欢的东西——柔术。 但与此同时,我知道这不仅仅是关于我的。 它是关于创造一些能激励他人的东西。

Excellent! I'm always open to trying new things while still sticking to what I love - contortion. But at the same time, I know it's not just about me. It's about creating something that inspires others.

Thank you for following my work for so long!
So cute! Nice fit body too <3
Yeah and it's funny how the pose contributes to it XD

"Contortion makes you look younger!"
"How so?"
"*bends back in half, getting a whole head shorter*"
"Wow, you were right!!"
Most of all I love his snakelike eyes! And blending of hair and feathers!!!! now this is something which I would pursue sometime in future, because feather/hair blend is something super unique! and beautiful.

And ohh colors are in another dimension entirely... yes yes yes!!!! Also his muscles are so tender and strong.
Just imagined his legs are all snakelike including texture but he behaves just like boy contortioning around ie stone column as even kings are opening mouths in awe!
Haha, it's indeed funny how the small features can make him look so non-human but still enjoyable. And I agree, it's an interesting thought to imagine his legs being snake-like. I haven't thought of that before, but it makes sense since he has feathers on his head. It's fun to imagine him doing a pole dance around a stone pillar, that would be something to behold! :D

🥳 The Bendy Prince

Cuteness overload X-) I did read story but dont know what to add it is quite neat as it is!
Not only kings need royal jesters... we all need this pair in our lives. Well maybe not each day but once a year that be some special morning with them.... ah....

The AIntichrist

I liked the story, because it is no longer really fiction anymore so it is important to talk about it more. I also like composition and his body, hair too! I would love to see like another version in the future. I like cyborgs and it can be interesting to see like beautiful ones :)

🎄 mAgIc is here...

Such beauty in those grey eyes. I always have a soft spot for tousled black hair and grey eyes. I'd love to see a a full character rendition of this cutie.
So glad you liked! :D I really like the idea of making a full body rendition of him, definitely going to work on it as it seems like an interesting challenge too 😏