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🎄 The Witchboy of Fungaard

Der Hexenjunge von Fungaard schaut dir bei der Arbeit zu und... :
"Yuni ich hab`Dich lieb"
The witch boy from Fungaard watches you at work and... :
"Yuni I love you"
I was so happy when you added such nice images. Was saying myself, that there be lot honest positive comments. Maybe it is all that summer time, lot sunshine and people not being on PC. I found out that on smartphones people rarely really comment. Maximum are short replies in messengers and so :/
But as I go, this image including story is really great and second to none.
I think people who aren't on their PC during the summer are probably not using it much the rest of the year either. They're more into backpacking, traveling, and other outdoor activities than spending time online. And that's totally fine, but let's just admit that they're shallow compared to the intellectuals who actually use the internet for something more than Instagram posts about how they hugged another tree, who read books other than books on dieting and self-help, watch the movies they actually like, not the latest American crap about celebrities cosplaying superheroes, and play video games on consoles and computers, not on phones. Although you never know, people are changing these days and many had to leave their bubbles after 2020 and the world keeps changing to the worse...

The reason this picture went below most radars, well, maybe it's just not skin-tastic enough for some folks! There's no contortion or other kinky stuff, and the face is pretty chill. It's hard to know what to say about it, you know? Maybe that's why it didn't catch people's attention as much.

But I wanted to share it because I thought it's pretty funny. It's like an almost family-friendly portrait, but then suddenly there's this sexy belly in the middle of it all. I mean, even picking mushrooms in the forest can't be done without turning up the heat in Yunia! It's like everything is just so darn sexy over there :D

I bet if this pic popped up on the internet back in 2003, it would've been all over the place with its intricate clothes and beautiful detailed forest behind a pretty boy. But nowadays, people just scroll right past it like it's no big deal. It's kind of sad, you know? Like we're already living in a post-apocalyptic world full of zombies instead of real humans and it didn't take a nuclear bomb to melt everyone's brains, just a couple of well-known corpos. But hey, that's what makes people like Shifty and others who still comment so special. They're like survivors fighting to keep the world a good place :D
... OMG ist das schön im Märchenwald und wird spannend in der Hütte ...
geniale Geschichte mit so verführerischen Gestalten , Danke für Deine Phantasie und Illustration
die Fortsetzung wird mit "magischem Gleitmittel" erwartet, sicher
... OMG it's beautiful in the fairytale forest and gets exciting in the hut ...
brilliant story with such seductive characters, thanks for your imagination and illustration
the sequel is expected with "magic lube", for sure
OMG, ich bin so froh, dass dir meine Geschichte gefallen hat! Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, über diesen geheimnisvollen Wald zu schreiben, und ich bin begeistert, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat. Aber ehrlich gesagt musste ich die Geschichte beenden, weil sich das Bild zu sicher anfühlte und nicht zu der dampfenden Atmosphäre passte, in die die Geschichte gehen sollte. Also ja, wir brauchen definitiv ein heißeres Fortsetzungsbild, das zu den wilden Abenteuern in dieser Hütte passt! Bringt Hitze! 🔥🍆🔥
OMG, I'm so glad you liked my story! I had a blast writing about that mysterious forest and I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. But honestly, I had to end the story because the picture was starting to feel too safe and it wasn't matching the steamy vibes of where the story was headed. So yeah, we definitely need a hotter sequel picture to match the wild adventures in that hut! Bring on the heat!
I fell in love with him at first sight when I saw the banner, and the full body version is just breathtaking!
Thank you so much! I'm very happy that you enjoyed the full version, it took me an extremely long time to make this picture and I'm very happy to receive at least a few comments on it after all...
Hahahahaaaa! I knew you will get better with this tool, few others (not at all majority!) acted like you can't do mistake here and there and your creations must be perfect even if you only learning. But you are doing one magnificent image after another now!
And If I may say story is so naturaly flowing this time too, loved part with ear and tongue and cant wait continuation! Huray!!! You are on fire again :)
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. It really means a lot to me that you took the time to leave such a great comment, especially since this work seems to have flown under everyone's radar again... Your words made me feel a bit better.

🌤️ Celestial Body

Botticelli, eat your heart out.
Hehe, will need to try making some more in this style ^^
Wonderfully pre-Raphaelite.
Thanks, I quite enjoyed the result too!

🌗 Fifty Fifty

seeing all this body magic stuff makes me wanna see a guy with his head squished into his torso
I'm not sure if I fully grasp your meaning, but what comes to mind is Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles XD

🥇 Gymnast Boss

Digging the asthetic here. Gives me this 1980s New York gangs feel. Also, foldable mafia is a great concept. Nobody can figure out how they stole the diamonds, the only way in is a tiny air duct!
Haha, I must confess, for me the inspiration was the classic final boss in an old-school arcade game after beating up all the minor enemies, but glad it also matched the 80s NY gang vibe!

I definitely love the idea of a foldable mafia with more depth than just good-looking boys and cute outfits. I bet they have secret activities that showcase their flexibility. Loved the idea of squeezing through tiny air ducts to obtain diamonds! So clever and creative! :D
Quite a striking boy ! Love ❤️ the bulge !
Very glad you liked him! Thank you so much for leaving a comment ^^