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🌵 Al-Hedsit detail 1

Atmospheric work !
... hat sich in dieser Scene der Künstler selbst dargestellt ?
Dem Text nach würde ich " Y U N I " rufen und wenn das Echo verhallt ist, bleibt er kurz stehen, dreht sich und winkt zurück, so ein Glück !
... did the artist portray himself in this scene?
According to the lyrics I would shout "Y U N I" and when the echo has died down, he stops for a moment, turns and waves back, what luck!
That figure is alluring
I didn't even see him the first time. It shows how much detail there is in your work. Amazing.
I could come and look at your creations EVERY SINGLE DAY. And I pretty much do :)
Now you are trolling X-)
but even this lad and even from behind is pleasure to watch.
Even with this big enlargement of the picture the back of the boy is still so detailed and sexy. Astonishing!

🌵 Al-Hedsit

Also this "chocolate" elf is really an eye candy.
Magnificient scenery. Partly magic, partly alien or extraterrestial.
I keep visiting this image again and again... elf is just fantasy made real...
gigantisch - Bryce Canyon / Utah - leider traf ich keinen Magier oder Elfen , die waren in ihren Verstecken.
Zauberhafte Scene, bin gespannt wie es in der Wüste weiter geht ...
gigantic - Bryce Canyon / Utah - unfortunately I did not meet any magicians or elves who were in their hiding places.
Magical scene, I'm curious how the desert will continue...

🛌 Soft as the Pillows

Hot sexy feet to go with that lovely backbend!👣🥰

🌵 Al-Hedsit

'sought refuge in the many holes of the buttes. They utilized the numerous caves and crevices for' ....

OMG Can't stop chuckling. Brilliant!!!
I cant stop watching that demigod elf his body is so gorgeous... would be very cool to see him like enlarged :D
Rest of image is super nice such a leap from earlier depictions... now its lifelike!
Story is full of witty funny winks :) like "heat" and that I like as always.
oh WOW! That desert landscape is amazing!