π Waking up
In a whirlwind of ambition, Andrzej found himself sleeping in a tight triplefold every night for months now. That made each day's practice start with ease, as his body was already warmed up from being in the contorted position throughout the night. Every morning, Yasha would be there next to him in bed, gently waking him up, urging him for another day of extreme stretching.
Needless to say, Andrzej's progress was astounding – soon, sleeping in a simple triplefold was not enough for him, he found himself able to curl his spine even more deeply, fully straightening his legs behind him. Eventually, he reached a point where he could lie on his pillow comfortably, chest down, stretching his legs out fully behind him! At first sight, an almost normal sleeping position, but only at first...
Throughout this journey, Yasha acted as both partner and cheerleader; eagerly watching his partner's incredible transformation unfold. It was all thanks to Yasha that contortion practice consumed nearly every waking moment. Together they practiced 24/7, always there to stretch each other, pushing themselves further and farther into the realm of flexibility.
For Andrzej, there was only one way to express his gratitude towards Yasha – by surrendering to the twisted embrace of extreme stretching and allowing his boyfriend to push him further and farther into contortions that felt like nothing else on earth. As their relationship deepened, so did the intensity of their practice sessions.
Laughing good-naturedly one day, Yasha teased: "You know, at this rate you might actually get your head to touch your own belly one day!"
Andrzej never took these comments lightly; he saw them as challenges to push himself even further. Clenching his teeth, he declared: "Of course I will!"
Maybe to Yasha it was just wishful thinking, but little did he know, Andrzej really was about to make that fantasy a reality! With each passing day, it seemed more and more possible that he would soon reach the impossible position that Yasha had dared him to achieve...
I really enjoy these cute vignettes. They're like delightful tea sandwiches. And, again, you deptict relationships really beautifully.