πŸ₯΅ Stretch Tester

Leslie can't believe how unbreakable this new superfiber is... or maybe it is sticky on atomic level and his shoulders got glued to his butt 😜

Another fantastic result from Hailuo AI πŸ’•

Here are some other attempts at making his body move... I just can't figure out how to make him shift that bend up and down a bit or squish himself in some incredible way, but hey, at least it stays folded... 🀣

What do you think? πŸ˜„
Yuni, I'm blown away by the second one!!! The fact that he's talking to the cameraperson just does absolute wonders to making him feel like a real person. I'm amazed!! Can't take my eyes off. If this is what Hailuo can do even right now I'm very excited to see how it will be in the future.
If only you could do something like this with nudity as well, and a longer video...

*stay folded*
A good way to wish all the best to Leslie, Yasha or another avid contortionist. :D
Really intriguing animations! I'm dying to know what Leslie is saying (and if his voice is as sweet as his face!)

Now we'll need an AI that can convert images to voice... πŸ˜‚
It is really iteresting how you squeezing maximum even from that limited few seconds o video. Yup more squishing would be nice X-)
Oh wow! These vids are really cool😁 You’re really getting the hang of AI and I love how Leslie is interacting with the camera too, I hope we get to see much more of thisπŸ’–