🏮 Shinobi Kid IV
I found an unfinished work of Kagemaru from 2010, so thought it might be interesting to finish it :3
It makes me think of some kind of a video game DVD cover... Sooo, for the story – how about a boy who got inspired to become a contortionist in real life after playing a video game about a flexible ninja? :D
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Trevor was beyond excited for today. He had been counting down the days like crazy, scouring the internet for any info on Shinobi Kid IV. He watched every video and read every review he could get his hands on...
Growing up, video games were a huge part of Trevor's life, but it wasn't until he played Shinobi Kid that he discovered the whole world of amazing flexibility. That game blew his mind with all the insane contortion moves that he never saw in any other game, and he's been obsessed with stretching ever since. He just couldn't wait to see what this new game had in store.
Trevor was a huge fan of the series, and had been replaying all the games in preparation for part IV. He loved how each game inspired him to become more flexible, starting with the first one that got him into splits. He would practice on the floor, trying to stretch his legs as far apart as he could while playing games, eventually working up to a full straddle split.
Once he mastered that, he moved back to the sofa, where he could train to get deeper oversplits by putting pillows under his feet. He felt like a ninja boy in disguise, ready to take on hordes of enemies with his high kicks.
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After a year, Shinobi Kid II came out, getting Trevor into frontbends. He spent hours playing video games while trying to get his feet further and further behind his head and back. The knots and pretzels felt incredible, and he found himself pausing the game just to enjoy burying his face in his own belly while tugging on his feet to make them into a tight pretzel.
Shinobi Kid III which came out next year, didn't fail to deliver a whole new obsession – Trevor learned to beat whole levels in a backbend, with his feet on top of his head. After some days of practice he could put his feet on his shoulders, and after a while his spine became so pliant that he learned to take a seat on top of his own head – he could just hang his legs down until his feet touched the floor.
Trevor was all about flexibility and gaming – he practiced hard every day to improve his skills, trying to discover new games that would keep him in extreme poses for hours on end. Shinobi Kid was always the best choice, obviously!
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After a long day of playing Shinobi Kid III, Trevor found himself in a pretty wild position – lying on his chest with his butt touching the back of his head and his thighs on top of his arms. He was trying to get more comfortable when he suddenly felt something amazing – the feeling of his butt touching his upper back! It was electric! Like nothing he had ever felt before, and it could only mean one thing – he had finally learned to bend completely in half backwards!!
Sitting on his own shoulders became a habit after that day, but the feeling never went away. It was always exciting and he always wanted to improve it. The more he progressed with backbends, the more convenient it became for gaming. He even learned to do a deep triplefold and get his shoulders and arms over his thighs, which became pretty much his default pose for gaming.
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As he played the fourth installment in the series, Trevor was super impressed with how much Kagemaru had improved since the first game. The new contortion skill tree was amazing, with so many cool moves that made Trevor's jaw drop. He couldn't wait to try them out – in both the game and real life!
But what really caught Trevor's eye was the premium red outfit he got for pre-ordering the game – it was definitely a bold choice, but it did make Kagemaru stand out more and made his contortions way easier to see. Trevor wasn't sure if it was a good or bad idea for a ninja to wear such a bright outfit, but hey, at least it made things more interesting!
As he played through several missions, Trevor found himself getting more and more inspired by Kagemaru's almost effortless hypermobility. The ninja boy's backbends and oversplits were already impressive, but the new move that really took the cake was the ability to twist his body 180 degrees around at the waist level. It was like Kagemaru had become a robot that could turn around effortlessly, even though the game lore didn't mention any robotic implants in his body.
Kagemaru's new move was a game-changer – especially when his butt got stuck while trying to get out of a ventilation system. As he had no time to push himself out, Kagemaru had to twist his body around to throw shurikens at the enemy robots that attacked him from all around. After taking out several waves of enemies, Kagemaru finally had time to push his butt out and keep moving forward. It was a close call, but those twists saved his bacon.
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After finishing that mission, Trevor was itching to try out Kagemaru's new move for himself. He grabbed a chair and gave it a shot, twisting his body around as far as he could.
Trevor was pretty impressed with how far he could twist his body around on the first try – but he had to admit, he had already trained himself to the level of a real contortionist in the past few years! He twisted his torso almost 180 degrees around, it was pretty wild to see his own knees behind him like that!
He leaned his chin on the back of the chair and held the controller – it was comfy enough and he couldn't wait to see if he could hold the twist while beating the next mission.
He couldn't believe how long it was taking – Trevor kept sitting twisted in his chair, sweat pouring down his face. As he thought back on it, Trevor realized that Shinobi Kid had been a huge inspiration for him over the years. It was the game that got him into contortion in the first place, and now it was doing it again, bringing him on a whole new level! He knew he would be playing this game for a long time to come – first discovering all the game's content and secret areas, and then mastering all of those moves in real life!
After finally beating the mission, Trevor slowly twisted himself to the other side with a grin on his face. He already knew what he was about to do after this – twisting in the opposite direction and pushing even further. The chair was surprisingly comfy for this kind of training while gaming, and he couldn't wait to see how far he could twist at the end of the day!
Who knew that playing a video game could be so inspiring? But then again, Shinobi Kid had always been pretty amazing.
Looked like this when I found it ^^
I really love you are experimenting.
And doubt we'll see a real video game like this any time soon unless I try to make it myself XD
And as contortion goes you are already THE king :)
And for the overall look I'd rather have something similar to my recent Helmut game as I have more interest in hand-drawn and ai-generated graphics than 3D worlds. Skyrims are fine when they're made by major studios, but as a lone developer I'd just drown in the swamp of 3D development easily.
But I know most people would think a beat 'em up game is not the kind of games they play, and me neither, but I think it would be a fun idea to try - it doesn't have to be a 100% beat 'em up for pro gamers, could be a more casual sword-swinging game but with contortion martial arts instead of sword :D
I'm very happy you liked him so much, I actually tried to see what a sprite from this kind of game could look like, so if you want I can share my vision :D
I think this is you creating a new genre, like Vaporwave - it's something that feels super nostalgic, but didn't really exist in its own era. It's improving on nostalgia. I hope your muse inspires you to do more as real box art. Maybe invent your own fake console for them - and it has to have a weird hook. Like PS3's cell computing, or the original Genesis's insane audio processing capabilities...
The Yuni-Vision was the successor to the original, fairly obscure, Jahi Calumniator Computing System (CCS). It was a 24bit system that had motion controllers and a version of the Kinect, but way back in the '90s. It even had early cell computing capabilities that let you "daisy chain" them by plugging a big, thick, cable into the rear. It came bundled a game that mostly involved having to twist your body to make it through tubes and forming your body into shapes that appeared on the screen at the right time as a combat mechanic, kind of like a DDR and Arkham Asylum mashup.
Since then, the fan community has kept it alive with new games and the proliferation of 3D printing has brought all kinds of peripherals that would have never been allowed on the shelves of a K-B Toys. For some reason the rights are held by Tenga, who has no plans to produce an homage system like the mini systems.