Melting Glaciers

The glaciers stay frozen solid for millions of years but even millions of years is not forever, and sometimes the climate changes and the first sunrays of spring make the ice caps liquify and flow down into the arctic ocean. The rough surface becomes very smooth, the crude, barbarous shapes of the ancient ice warriors keep melting into refined and flexible figures of youthful dancers and contortionists, until they completely lose their own form and find oneness with the ocean.

Melting Glaciers v2

What do you think? 😄
Ледник моего сердца растаял...Пусть Океан забират всю воду...а мальчика оставь - Он нужен на Земле....Ведь Красота спасёт этот никчёмный мир...Правда?
The glacier of my heart has melted...Let the Ocean take all the water...but leave the boy - He is needed on Earth....After all, Beauty will save this worthless world...Isn't that so?
Даже злодей может наслаждаться Красотой и одновременно убивать миллионы людей. Если есть что-то, что может спасти мир, так это свобода от вредных идей... 🤓
Even a villain can enjoy Beauty and at the same time kill millions of people. If there's one thing that can save the world, it's freedom from harmful ideas...