Lizzy - collab with Aldric Cheylan

This is something that we made together with my dear Aldric Cheylan~ She made the beautiful brass jewel on the right side entirely from scratch (a tiny flat piece of brass, that is), while I was watching her use all the sophisticated jewelry tools. We couldn't think of what to call it since it's not a ring or a pendant, so we decided to call it a brasslet, you know, as in a tiny piece of brass XD

And then she said it was a gift for me (!) so I was happy that I decided to make a character based on it as a gift back to her, so here he is on the left, just finished a few minutes ago! ^-^ <3

It was fun struggle coming up with the pose to match the original gecko and also in my opinion I made mine too much like a crocodile as I wasn't looking at references and just used my imagination for the tail.

Well, this was a fun little experiment ^.^ And thanks so much to Aldric for making this beautiful jewel for me!! <3 Nobody ever made something like that for me and it really made me happy ^o^ <3

Hope you like~ <3

What do you think? 😄