
If you want to share any general comments that don't relate to a specific picture, visit our Feedback Corner. We would love to hear your thoughts!

πŸ’Œ Feedback Corner

Yuni, I don't think this commenter wanted to offend you. I hope he/she didn't. It's just that people who aren't creative don't always understand how much imagination, effort and time it takes to create something truly original, special and unusual.

Also, not all people are good at expressing their thoughts. I often screw up too, so I'll try to formulate my question very carefully and thoroughly:

Is there anything I can personally do to prevent you from "gradually deleting" your old classic super kinky/extreme works, but rather to encourage you to "gradually bring back" the old ones and publish new ones?

I'm sure Shifty and your other regular viewers and commenters would also be happy to know how they can help.

PS I thought you were deleting some kinky pictures because of self-censorship or because you yourself haven't been very interested in making sex/kinky pictures in recent years. But I never thought you were deleting them because of lack of interest. Look, super hot picture of Yasha and Andrzej ( ) has more comments than most others and is still at the top of views. And some of the comments on this picture are very cute and passionate, in my opinion.

Please just tell me if there's anything I can do to keep you sharing pictures like these and I will:

PPS I understand you don't have enough time and energy to answer all the comments, but I really, really hope you answer this one!
Thank you very much for your kind words and helpful suggestions. I really appreciate them! It's true that sometimes people can be misunderstood or taken the wrong way, so it's important to clarify things...

I'm glad you've noticed how much people enjoy certain images, like The Unseen Footage... It shows me that there is a demand for such works, which encourages me to continue creating them ;D

Regarding your question about what you can do to prevent me from deleting my old classic super kinky/extreme works, but rather encourage me to gradually bring back the old ones and publish new ones... I think it's great that you're asking this. It shows a genuine interest in my work and a desire to support me. Next time I'm about to delete something, I'll try to remember your question and think about it before doing so. Your support means a lot to me! Even if I can't always control my feelings and emotions while dealing with negative comments from jerks...
besides all the good stuff thats already been said i think its a shame that you kinda moved from the more extreme kink stuff towards the tamer content you do now
To understand that you have to ask yourself why I might have started making anything extreme in the past. I did that because it was interesting and there were people who actually liked it back in the dark prehistoric times, so it was fun to make.

In the recent years, I've tried many times to keep sharing something interesting and extreme and every single time everyone simply ignores it, turning their noses like it's some smelly shit. The only shame is accusations like this - assumptions that I must sit there for hours a day, making some free extreme art for you while you don't need to move a finger other than 1click to open and close my webpage. Beautiful life, keep it up!

So if you lose something good in your life, always blame it on yourself. On my part, I keep making more extreme art but I won't share it anymore, I'm also gradually taking down old extreme works. Nobody is guilty here but you - again, on my part, I keep making free art every day and I've never asked for anything in all these 20 years, other than a few simple comments. I don't want to post stuff and then feel like an idiot for posting it because everybody just turns their noses.
About the Yunia project.

Yuni, on the one hand, you are right, of course. Especially since this will require technical changes to the site.

But on the other hand, it can be much more difficult to systematize a large amount of material than to create a Yunipedia section and add new subsections and articles to it one by one (as needed).

For example, if you have materials about L'amouriel, it is much easier to immediately create a "Yunia/Pantheon/L'amouriel" subsection (or hierarchical tags) and collect materials there too, than to display them only in the main timeline, where you yourself can lose them over time.

I mean, I accidentally found a page about the god L'amouriel when I was looking for pictures of archers. And now I would like to read the texts and look at images of other gods, but I just don't know if there is any information on this topic on the site or not yet.

It would be easier for you yourself when all new materials are added in a systematic way. And you can always refresh your memory with the necessary information.

For the development of a new world, the online encyclopedia format is much more suitable than a blog. At the same time, the main blog can continue to display absolutely all new works, regardless of whether they are related to the Yunia project or not.
Sasha M

PS Thank you very much for continuing to improve the site! Sorting by year and best pictures of the year is a very nice and convenient addition.
Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions!

I agree with you that the current structure of the site can sometimes be confusing and it's often hard to find a specific post, while older posts tend to vanish into oblivion.

I've considered making a wiki-like system many times, but every time it's very hard to think of the structure. I remember the last time I tried dividing Yunia to kingdoms and describing each of them, it ended up being a lot of information, and as usual I got the impression that nobody was impressed... XD

So I'm still on the way to find the right structure that would be helpful instead of feeling unnecessary...
The new site logo (with the unicorn) looks so beautiful and festive
Thank you so much!! :D I was really surprised it didn't look off in the end :D

🍺 Meatkeg

Maybe the eye arms are part of how he communicates and being a golem, fusion with another body isn't unbelievable so maybe the golem is being happy but he's just trying to get people to lower their guard so he can strike. Or maybe he's just a happy little guy. I don't know but I know I love this lol

🎞️ adance09.jpg v2

Personally prefer This version πŸ’•
I have always loved that sequence of photos and your efforts are amazing in bringing them to life! Please do some of the others
Excellent, almost authentic restoration!
Thank you so much πŸ₯° I tried to do my best! Almost brings tears to the eye to see this photo in high quality after so many years ;D
Looks so amazing, even better than before, most of the time when i look at old black and white picture i wonder what it looks like in color but then see it in 4K makes me wonder more XD
Thank you so much! :D I'm so glad it paid off after spending a whole day on this!

I'm actually a pro at turning grayscale into color as that was exactly my coloring technique back in the old days. I would do all the shading as a grayscale layer in Photoshop, then put some colorizing layers on top - all of my old works were done this way...

But somehow I can't see this picture in color, maybe I'm too used to seeing it in black and white ^^;

🎞️ adance09.jpg

Stunning work, you’re really good at rendering old pics like thisπŸ’–

🎞️ adance09.jpg v2

I wouldn't call it "restoration" but you're right that the render is beautiful. So is the original, though!
Well, I'm trying my best to assume that you didn't mean to sound as rude as you did. This is not simply a more realistic version of - both versions are actual attempts at restoration of the original photo:

Considering I've spent almost an entire day just on this picture, trying to match every single nuance to the original, and I think I got pretty damn close in everything from faces and hair to every bit of anatomy and texture, I definitely would call this a restoration and not just some puny "render".
Me personally I like this one better
Yup, this version is much closer to the original photo - we keep getting better and better tools for this kind of work... Unfortunately it still took me hours to do just one picture... Of course, it would have taken me a minute to do a poor quality upscale and mangle all the details into some hilarious AI artifacts, completely different faces and dozens of anatomy mistakes, it would be great for the lulz and to see how much AI "sucks" etc... But I wanted to do a really good job instead and try to make it near perfect, find out what is truly possible... ;D