
If you want to share any general comments that don't relate to a specific picture, visit our Feedback Corner. We would love to hear your thoughts!

Timeless Talent

One of the best contortionists in the world of all time, in my opinion.

Great art. Not only did you improve the old image, but you also made Alexey look a little more model-like.

A wonderful tribute to a wonderful acrobat.

Sasha M
Yes of course I agree completely 🥰 But also I think it's a blessing that he's willing to share his personal archives, after all there has never been a contortionist like him in the entire history and it would have been a disaster if he didn't share his unique talent. Imagine Mozart writing music just for himself and never sharing it, or Einstein making discoveries just for fun... So if I can help in any way to let more people hear about him, it's great! I've already seen many contortionists mention Alexey as their direct inspiration 😊

The Angel of Foldale

He's so beautiful......
Thank you 🥰

💌 Feedback Corner

Happy Valentine's Day, Yuni!!!
Thanks for all the beautiful art!
I love you!!

Aww, thank you sooo much! That means a lot to me! 🥰 Happy Valentine's Day too! 💕
Hello Yuni, this is Alldenspa. Over the past weeks I've been working on a piece of fanart for Kagemaru, which will be finished very soon. If you're interested in seeing it, please make contact with me via discord or maybe Deviantart messaging, I think those are the only ways I can send it to you as I don't have your email address or anything like that. Have a nice day!
Thank you so much for your hard work my friend 🥰
Hi Yuni, I'm an amateur artist, and would like to have your permission to make a drawing inspired by your contortion work, giving you credit of course, may I?

🌤️ Head & Shoulders

How cute! Love it! Those tiny details! Giz199
Thank you! 🥰
Wow truly amazing Songs specially like first one version and the photo is very cute please continue doing amazing things like this
Thank you so much! 🥰 It's very interesting to make songs about contortion, never thought that one day it would be possible haha
Really cute anime remake ❤️ love the style TKnight93
It's one of the best contortion pictures ever taken, so it's good to have alt versions of it 😊 Thanks TK!
love this
Thank you 😊

🐍 Sonic Snake

That face says : it's comfortable
I never managed to bend that far back when I was a kid but I do like to imagine that it's enjoyable 🤭
just absolute gorgeous rubber
Must be so rubbery that when he jumps he bounces for a while 🤣

🏮 Kagemaru no Go

I always need your beautiful soothing art to comfort me after a long hard day. I love your adorable works.
It's a friend's art, but I join your comment on it 🥰

💪 Queen of the Mountains

And I was trying to remember where exactly this flexy figure I had seen before so hope that you will draw more like old Fisfis artwork later!

Excellent ideas as always Yuni!!
I think it would be unfair to copy his hard work because he has his own art style that needs to be respected 🥰 But it was tempting to try doing it just once, just to see how his characters might look like in a photorealistic world.

But I'm sure that very soon anyone could take any photo or artwork and remake it into any new style, there's already a lot of tools for that. So I also don't want to be someone who does simple things that anybody can do 🤣
you both have amazing art!
For now yes, soon will be replaced by AI, I think 🤭

😪 Sleep Tight

Effortless contortion of poses almost impossible to perform by people is the best, thank you Yuni!
Thank YOU for commenting! 🥰 And yeah, the most extreme poses tend to look really cute somehow hahah 🤭
Sweet Dreams dear 💕
Hehe 🥰
she is soo cute
Hahah, I just realized I completely forgot to definite the gender of this character 🤭 I guess now it's a girl haha
I failed in love with her
Ohh now I'll have to think of more pictures haha 🤭

💃 A Hipster from Elbend Animated

Looks like hands are still a mystery for AI. Other then that it looks amazing.
Oh yes, but the overall animation is better than I expected 🤭 Those AI services are getting better every year, so hopefully more pictures will be animated nicely in the future 🥰

🖼️ Fold Me Two Times, Baby!

Beautiful new version of that older artwork! I'd love to see more "anime style" contortion!
Thank you! 🥰 Personally I also really enjoy seeing contortion in this style, it's quite adorable and there isn't a lot of anime art about boys who are contortionists - in 99% cases people only draw girls and nothing else.