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🥋 Return of the Flexorcist Monk

That is very nice picture, like background and light reflections and hair too. And of course his wasp is just cute :)
Very glad you liked it! 😁

Time Bender

В конце тоннеля должен быть Свет иначе путешествия Яши будут невозможны
At the end of the tunnel there should be light otherwise the journey of Yasha will be impossible
В реальном мире 2022 это было больше похоже на Ягами Лайт в конце туннеля 😫
In the real world 2022 it was more like Yagami Light at the end of the tunnel
О, ты как всегда угадал с Яшей - Управлять своим телом это равносильно что управлять простраственно- временным континиумом...Я был в трансе в такой кротовой норе или туннеле, но там должен быть Свет в конце пути иначе Яше не вернуться назад в будущие и вперёд в прошлое...

Oh, as always you guessed right with Yasha - Controlling your body is equivalent to controlling the space- time continuum...I was in a trance in such a wormhole or tunnel, but there must be Light at the end of the path, otherwise Yasha will not be able to return back to the future and forward to the past...

Тот, кто контролирует позвоночник, контролирует вселенную... Может быть, поэтому большинство людей не могут целовать свои задницы... Если кто-то научится это делать, он откроет сверхспособности...
He who controls the spine, controls the universe... Maybe that's why most humans can't kiss their own butts... If anyone learns to do that, they unlock superpowers...

💐 Flower Festival

Yup it feels like different artist BUT one which you know and constantly hinted him what to do all the time :D to the point when he gave up and painted that beautiful girly boy doing most sexy mindbending pose. I must esp appreciate you was smart and found a way how to convince him to do that 180d twist! How inventive to use cloth for that!
I am really gulping in awe and expectation what you can conjure in year from now!!!
While most people will still do some cat/pikatchu mashups.
Thank you so much! It was one of very early pictures, still can't believe how much time it took, over 12 hours, but of course nothing compared to how long it would take to paint it in real life, not even counting many years in art academy and a time machine to travel back to the 19th century Europe because I doubt it's possible to learn a classical style like this in any modern art school...

The twist was the most difficult part, many layers of cloth and a lot of guessing how to make it more twisted... But I think the legs were just as difficult, specially making both legs look more or less the same... But in the end was worth all the time, because really enjoyed the ideal 180° twist, almost like the woman keeps telling him to keep his chest and butt straight and stop tilting them, and the boy looks so focused and determined to be perfect...

This picture also started as another homage to Alexey based on one of his famous pictures but it went so far from the original...

🥋 Flexorcist Monk

Now this is great example in what ai art can be really great. This image is not flawless masterpiece but oh boy its still beautiful advertising of good ideas like intricate sashbelt great shape of lower chest(!!) and even some hand poses!
Also like you still find a time for stories it adds a lot depth and soult wich other just generated pieces will never have.
Thank you! I was thinking if he got a red belt, would want to see their boys who have black belts 😜 Always loved the idea of tight-belted martial arts, almost as nice as belted bellydancing...

Glad you enjoyed the story! I'm trying to gather new ideas for the lore from everywhere: comments, my own stories, even AI art 😄 I mean I wasn't even thinking about it before this picture but now can imagine a whole monastery of dedicated wasped monks...
Beautiful, You're blending the AI image and your edits so well.
Glad you liked ^^

🎭 Homage to Alexey

If I had no idea any img ai exist I would be like baffled how you can change and improve your style so fast. Because some details are bit off but otherwise its just like blend of your, classical and protography art! Like those legs omg! unreal.
Well I shared it just because I liked the result... This photograph of Alexey always reminded me of an oil painting, so was very happy that it was possible to make this version of it...

Alexey in contortion is like Mozart in music, much like Mozart he was already making world-famous masterpieces at a very young age, so if I only could, I would of course make a real oil painting but unfortunately I'm not a 19th century painter and didn't graduate an art academy...


I really mean it any other person would just said some general tips and let it be, you helped all the way untill it was solved :)
Was so sad when page went down, happy its back. Was thinking lot about this image in meantime and realized didn't told enough about it praise. Because it is not just interesting shape of waist but also whole clothing which is like all new fashion trend in your world!!! And which must have been very hard to invent properly. Then there is that funny story about what other chracters think and so on!
Thanks! I'm very happy that you thought of this image, I also updated it a bit since the last time, not just the face to look more like Yasha but the details around the waist, a nicer volume for the lower belly and the ribs looking better :3

Other characters must be so mad at Yasha, not only he has every single bone and joint in his body at 400-500% hypermobility, but now can wear a wrist watch on his waist! Something about Yasha is so suspicious, maybe he is indeed a guest from the future like his newest picture suggests :D
It seems to work!! Will write more in evening! You are true friend.
Glad it works now ^^
I liked first version of this idea a lot, but now its pumped up :) more detailed. Interesting that they both are on same theme but have a lot different feel (both good). You really managed to sell the 60s/80s feeling on each picture!
And oh yeah shape of his belly is very good I would say better than most others even yours!!
The previous version was watches, but this one is a fitness bracelet... :P

By the way I made an archive of my installation of InvokeAI, all you need is create C:\InvokeAI (will NOT work from other directories), unzip, run download_models.bat and make sure it downloads everything successfully and re-run if it gets stuck at 0% or fails. Once all checksums match, try run.bat right away, ideally should just work... Can try update.bat later to get new github updates if needed, it should also work but who knows...
This brings back SO many good memories of Christmas "wishbook" catalogs from the 70s-80s. There was a time (about a million years ago) when LCD ̶w̶r̶i̶s̶t̶ waist watches were the latest tech, super expensive and got full page ads in the catalogs with insanely cute models, just like here.
Yeah, could be a parody on all those ads... And speaking of Christmas, I only just noticed his outfit here somewhat resembles Santa's favorite colors! Well, not the Narnia version of him (finally watched that movie 3 days ago!) but certainly the version canonized in the commercial media. Judging by the insanely cute soft blond hair, perhaps one of his elves :D And we already know how much Christians love their austerities...
Where's Jim's review?
Maybe it was too expensive for him? He needs to do lots of extra shows and get it quickly, or he'll quickly fall behind other wasps 😯
It must be a challenge to read the time when it's tucked down there... but surely they're flexible enough to accept that challenge! Lovely work!
Can ask others to read it and also rate your waist while on it :D Thank you so much, very glad you enjoyed!

🤡 Sketchy Clown

It's great to see this rough 3D model. It helps me figure out how to create something remotely similar to your masterpieces!