🍤 Blond Curls
Harbert made me think I must have more blond boys than there are angels in heaven... so here I tried to make a sexy little blond bendy harem 😆
So with Harbert on the bottom, right behind him we have the president of the Teddybear Humpers Club, Martin, wearing a blue thong. Beside him Basil a.k.a. Military Fairy, most likely wearing green? Behind them Martin's son Nathaniel on the left and Yasha on the right.
Ok, my PC was literally going to explode from this amount of blonds in one shot, but just to think of all the blonds who didn't make it into this project... Matthew, Julian, Archie, Yasen, Amtril, Miguel, Roberto, Dariush Lovehorn... *disappears in the distance still mumbling all the blonds' names*