👔 A Twist on Mom's Wisdom
"Mom always said that if you neatly fold your clothes, you'll end up looking put together in every situation!" 😊
But did she expect Noah would turn into quite the bendy acrobat! These days, he doesn't have to think of her words as a metaphor – he can actually put them to work in real life: a quick torso twist wrings out those damp shirts in no time, and a tight backbend is all it takes to get those creases smoothed out! :D
What do you think? 😄
This clear side view is perfect for showcasing this pose and the subtle proportions of his body parts. I'm enchanted! Truly beautiful.
He's neatly folding Himself ! Lovely boy ,sweet body 💕
"she also said to put them in a draw at the end of the day, i found it a pretty comfy place to sleep" XP
Perfect detailing of the whole body, even the cracks on the heels, which means that this boy walks barefoot a lot.
She looks amazing, very realistic and an impressive pose! Unbelievable Yuni :D