🌅 7am Workout
In the year 2201, enhanced flexibility has become almost commonplace due to nanobots, improved genetics, and a global obsession with contortion. Teens can sit in the split while playing video games without breaking a sweat, while their grandmothers effortlessly reach their toes if they need to!
Gone are days when simple stretching and light workout two times a week made you stand out as remarkably fit. But did healthy lifestyle become a worldwide new norm? Well, barely! In a world where flexibility has become second nature to millions, the definition of a "healthy lifestyle" has shifted yet again...
Now, those who want to be seen as truly fit have to push their bodies so much further – 270 degree oversplits, full body twists and the Ruppel backbend is the least you can expect from a regular gym-goer!
The morning workout shows on the telly are packed with enthusiastic rubber-like hosts reaching out to the sleepy viewers, "One, two, three! Tighter! Now poke your nose towards your butt! Hold! Release! Again! More! Hell yeah! Now, to the other side!" 🤣
It just made me want to do something fitness/sports like XD