What do you think? 😄
This is really amazing!
Hehe, thanks 😝
I wanted to wait and think about image more deeply but I just somehow need to comment right away because I like that it is kind of random idea which turned out quite interestingly. Like if Yasha can really pull this off without pulling his head off X-) then he is trully taking lead among other gorgeous bendies! The waist watch being still on is big+ (as he has also reason to put head that way).
Really unique... do not think I ever seen similar scene (ghosts aren't counting). Hmm flexible neck... interesting indeed. Ie Yasha could twist on one side with waist and on other with neck on some spooky Halloween special :)
I guess it confirms his last name Lebedev which means Swan and also his jacket pattern depicting swans, so it almost comes at no surprise he can bend his neck like a swan :D

This picture I almost didn't want to upload it but thought at least would show it for a couple of days...
Yasha truly has some ways to check his watch!🤣
When you look at your watch every minute to check if it's stretching time yet and when it's finally stretching time you're already too tired 😂
This is the first time in all these years where I'm looking at a picture of yours and I legitimately can't tell what kind of crazy bend is going on here xD fascinating!! Yasha really is giving a whole new meaning to these unusual kinds of bends such as neck twisting... Very cool work, as usual! I really enjoy these pictures.
Yeah, because the twist is so extreme and unusual that it's impossible to find a camera angle where it looks readable, in the end I decided to keep the angle where it looks kinda funny instead, but the pose is just impossible to understand unless you know what he's doing :P
I'm very glad it was still fun to look at :D
I stared at this for a while, trying to figure the pose out, and I don't think you're cheating. This is an awesome new pose.
Yeah, he could dance as one of the swans in the Swan Lake ballet, having a neck that can twist like that 😏
If you've got that kind of flexibility, why not show it off at every turn?
Definitely one of the more challenging bends I've seen Yasha pull off. XD
Or anyone really... XD
i need a 360 of this one
This angle was already difficult to make look good... Maybe one day I'll just try again, see if can make a better job with the whole anatomy in this pose... XD