What do you think? 😄
He's probably looking over there (at me) and just said: "Come over here stupid, I have laid myself out for you to have easy access." Haha
Very nice color scheme overall, kinda exotic eastern perhaps.
Very nice color scheme overall, kinda exotic eastern perhaps.
I wouldn't be surprised if his client says "forget about the dance and the hookah, I can see a much better pipe!" 😝
Очень миленький получился! Думаю что они улетят после кальяна...)
It turned out very nice! I think they will fly away after the hookah...)
It turned out very nice! I think they will fly away after the hookah...)
Спасибо! Я думаю, они превратятся из змей в драконов... 🤭
Thanks! I think they will upgrade themselves from snakes to dragons...
Thanks! I think they will upgrade themselves from snakes to dragons...