🎞️ adance15.jpg

Here is a small bonus, an attempt to enhance one more photograph from the same old set from the 1930s.

What a lovely set of vintage photographs. The backdrop and the postures are simply enchanting, they bring us back to a different era when people were more carefree, bending their backs backwards as if spreading the invisible wings of freedom – not bowing their necks down like insignificant little slaves of corporate monsters.

I remember when I first saw this picture, it struck me with the illusion of a body split entirely in two separate halves by some circus magician's trick. The more I stared at it, the more intrigued I was to understand how someone could manage to bend their body in such an extreme way – yet she did so with such grace and joy that it made me smile along with her.

Sadly, the Contortion Homepage website that used to host the original photos seemed to have undergone a massive redesign, replacing its classic 1990s aesthetics with an uninspired modern template in 2024, and somehow this whole photoset mysteriously vanished in the process... The reason behind this loss remains uncertain, so we urge the site administrators to address this issue promptly and restore the original content to its former glory.

What do you think? 😄
I used to think that your pictures overaggregate the abilities of human body, but the more I see such photos, the more I understand that I really underestimate real life...
It's amazing to see what fantastic things people can do in the real world, but most of my artworks are indeed exaggerated and sometimes feature incorrect anatomy for the sake of more extreme positions - this is intentional as I don't want them to seem achievable in reality.
its a cute and care free pose and picture, almost like she was just doing it all day until someone took the picture, lovelying upscaled to see it's beauty. I luckly saved all the pictures of the set and may uploaded to archive.org so others see them.
I'm really glad you liked this version! :D And you're right, I completely forgot about the internet time machine but it can indeed be found here:
❤️❤️❤️ muy hermosa ❤️❤️❤️
very beautiful
Gracias por tus amables palabras. Es un placer compartir algo tan hermoso con alguien más! 🥰
Thank you for your kind words. It's a pleasure to share something beautiful with someone else!
Юни,ты лучший или . Лучшая!!!
Yuni, you are the best or . The best!!!
Спасибо большое за признание! Это для меня большая честь. Я всегда стараюсь делать все возможное, чтобы сделать свои работы максимально качественными и интересными, и, похоже, это приносит результат.
Thank you very much for the recognition! This is a great honor for me. I always try to do everything possible to make my works as high-quality and interesting as possible, and it seems that this is bringing results.
You truly are an artist being able to render these images so well! I’m truly enjoying them💖
Thank you so much, I’m really glad to hear that you’re enjoying them 😊
It's like you zoomed into the past a hundred years ago with a magic telescope. All the details of the original are restored so accurately that I could easily decide that you just found a better copy of this photo somewhere. Awesome..

Now I wonder if there is a way to add colors that closely match the original colors of the objects in this old photo.
Sasha M
Thank you so much, Sasha! I think her face looks a bit different from the original - but after spending almost 3 days on trying all kinds of things, I gave up and decided it looks close enough. Sadly I've always had skill issues in this area, but I think it's more important the final picture still has a good vibe :D

I find it hard to imagine this image in color, the vintage aesthetic seems so much more appealing...
Yes, I fully understand that the goal was to preserve the original as accurately as possible. I was just thinking about how this scene looked a hundred years ago in the real world through the eyes of the photographer when (s)he took the photo.
Beautiful, love this